Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Same Shit Younger Skin

So dirty Whitney the Walford Bike, victim of child sexual abuse is going to get hot and steamy under wraps with Joey the Tadpole, son of Toad, mouth-breather and unintelligible lump, hired for looks only.

Been there, done that?

Why, they're just a smoother-skinned, younger version of Kat Slutter, victim of child sexual abuse and Derek Branning, father of Joey, with whom Joey shares more characteristics than he'd care to admit.

Oh, and just like Kat, Whitney cheats on a Moon boy.

I hear Kat, who's become the resident wannabe Pat-in-Training counsellor on the Square in Newman's desperate attempt to redeem her, will offer solace and advice to Whitney as her protogee.

'Ere, dahlin'. Just tell'im yer love'im and that yer can't 'elp yerself. Just say yer a dirty gel, 'e'll understand. Just don't say anyfink is yer fault. Make'im fink it's 'is fault.

That's right. Always play the victim card and never ... never admit you were to blame.

What's that saying about cooking cabbages twice?

Same shit, different day, younger skin.

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