Wednesday, December 18, 2013

In the Bleak Mid-Winter - Review: 17.12.2013

You've probably noticed something different about the blog, especially if you've wanted to make a comment or hurl the usual abuse. For the time being, in order to comment, one now has to register with the blog. This means leaving a screen name and an IP identifying address. Most of you will surmise why I've done this, and many of you will know the personality in question behind my rationale. 

I hope this isn't a permanent measure, but when someone on the internet is very close to breaking a major law, then it's time something were done. Oh, and the person very close to breaking the law, I might add, is not I.

One day, I may post a picture of one of the two major trolls in question. Until then ...

Now, about the episode ... the show's been pretty watchable since the Messiah was born in Bethlehem DTC took over the realms, even though Tuesday's offering concerned yet another handful of annoying characters; but the writing made it bearable, and it was cleverly linked in the background by various appropriate Christmas carols, and the departure of one of the most annoying characters ever seen on the programme in recent years. Pity, she didn't take her atrocious son with her.

Black Bradley Eats Crow.

Tuesday saw the departure of Ava the Rava. Yes, folks, right here at Christmas, the Magic Negro's work in Walford is done. We know that from the witterings of that smelly old alcoholic trout Cora the Bora and her grandson, newly-christened Black Bradley, for that is what he will become.

It's sublimely arrogant and extremely entitled of Black Bradley to blithely announce that he will "live with Nan," as the Magic Negro prepares to impart her wisdom to the streets of Newcastle - way-hey mon, do ya think the Geordies will take heed of her?

"Nan," who didn't know his sorry arse from Adam just a year ago and who treats him as if he were her only grandchild, fondly caressing his cheek and tapping his nose, herself, doesn't have a pot in which to piss, and is dependent on the charity of her ex-son-in-law, who's buying the roof currently suspended over her ungrateful head.

But it seems that the Magic Negro just may have lost the wonder job at Walford Primary because Black Bradley remarked to "Nan" that "Mum man" needed a job, to which "Nan" replied that the Magic Negro had found a job - in Newcastle, which she'd turned down because she just had to stay in Walford and look after her umbilically attached ugly son who has the emotional maturity of a twelve year-old and who's spoiled rotten.

Newcastle, not Manchester. As a writer for The Mirror stated, boy, when EastEnders want to get rid of a character that stinks, they sure know where to send them. Based on that premise, Black Bradley can hope to find himself waking up one morning in Aberdeen. 

Ava the Rava left in such a blind hurry, just as she left the sink estate from whence she came - no time to contact the rental authorities (in her case, Janine) or the utilities' suppliers etc. She barely had time to pull her wig on straight because it was setting halfway back on her amazingly bald forehead.

Various people were "moved" by her brief farewell to the drunken old trout and the fact that she called her "mum." (Yet another rehash - who remembers when Carly Wicks left Walford in the wake of Kevin's death, she stopped the taxi in front of a drunken, grieving Shirley and said, "Good-bye, Mum.") Cora's response was correct - Ava doesn't, indeed, have anything for which to thank Cora, except Cora giving her up for adoption afforded her parents who loved and raised her and educated her well, and she and Black Bradley seem to have forgotten all that.

One of the myriad of things which annoy me about Black Bradley is the way he constantly refers to Flabi the Dough-Faced Girl as "Cuz." Yes, we know she is the daughter of the woman who is the natural sister of his mother. And we don't need any emphasis on how cool the BBC wants us to see the Brannings as a rainbow family. It sounds phoney and false. As phoney and false as the horrendous Dexter, himself, who was on a pilgrimage of eating crow around the Square, starting with smarming Phil Mitchell into giving him back his job.

Wait a moment .. here was the grand incongruency: Phil Mitchell allows a snarky little shit who's responsible for losing him £10,000, to strut into his business, give him a cheap novelty Christmas present, which he promptly destroys in disdain, and then re-instate him in the business, only to be told by Black Bradley that Black Bradley would start work when and only when Black Bradley was ready. And Phil accepted this. The mind boggles.

The New Village Idiot.

Don't get me wrong. I like Tina Carter. It's just that her eternal, feckless teenager-going-on-fortyish routine is wearing a little thin. Skipping about after the miserable Shirley, begging for a loan of a few quid in order to get a drink in the pub. This is the mother of Zsa Zsa, so we are left to wonder how she fared as the mother of a young child.

We got a soupcon of what is yet to come in a veiled allusion to someone within their family who might sub them a loan, as it seems they're going to be on their own at Christmas as Lola and Billy have been included in the Mitchell soirée,

For once I was glad Alfie handed Tina her arse.

Poor Pitiful Dot.

Is anyone suprised by Dot's reaction to her plight? So much for re-hashing, because we've seen Dot react already to similar situations - her first mugging on her doorstep, the fact that she came close to losing her council house because of Cora, and now this. Down go the shutters, up go the locks, and Dot snaps and shouts at all and sundry around her - this time, the annoying Poopy-La-Dim, whom she told to go away. I daresay a lot of viewers long to tell Poopy to do the same.

Instead of report what happened to her to the police, Dot plays the martyr, and donates some of her savings to the church roof fund in order to make up the difference. Even now, Dot is waving that new money around like a badge of honour. Giving up her savings makes Dot the suffering martyr she longs to be, suffering for God, and it takes the gloss off her star performance in midnight mass.

Question: If Dot has a late model Smart car (a Merc) and has savings into which she can dip to save the church, why couldn't she have paid her rent arrears?

Retcon Carol.

Amidst all the lump kerfuffle, the writers still find time to retcon Carol and David's past relationship, which was originally presented as a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am style bunk-up resulting in Bianca.

Yet tonight, in a nicely lit restaurant, with the piano tinkling in the background, we listened to tales of how David and Carol, barely more than kids themselves, nipped into Jim's Asti Spumanti and got drunk. Each time these two are together for a chinwag, they retcon the relationship a bit more.

David misses "this." "This," being cosy chats leading to cosy comfort sex. David knows that all it takes to get him back in firmly with "family" is Carol allowing him a leg-over, and Carol has allowed so many people legs-over in the past.

I found it strange that David turned up to see Alice, who's now imitating a Led Zeppelin song, Dazed and Confused ...

Alice shouldn't be confused about one thing, however, and that's that she's guilty of a crime. Seeing her stare blankly at nothing and mutter "I'm not family," should have hit home to Carol. She paid lip service to her duty to Alice, but that's all the Brannings ever do.

And how well did David know that by getting Carol tiddly, he would get her to go to a hotel room, which she did, before coming to her senses and seeing the doctor.

This is life, Carol. Menopausal women get breast cancer, and let's hope that TPTB are raising awareness of this issue realistically and not as a cheap trick to make a character likeable again.

Memo to Terry: Drinking milk to ease heartburn only makes the problem come out the other end in flatulence.

1 comment:

  1. So Stacey is returning ? I don't follow press releases so I guess this is old news.

    Personally, I haven't noticed that much of an improvement of late so with this sort of news not to mention the goon boy band member who is going to play her boyfriend & the casting of Dire - I'm not convinced anything has/is changing for the better.

    What with Tina dressed up as though she is off to a fancy dress party everyday, not to mention the trotter in the pink leggings (assuming the new Vic landlady) I can only see things getting worse !
