Thursday, April 4, 2013

Just in Case You've Forgotten about Janine

... as a couple of numpties on Digital Spy obviously have, considering that they are pushing the "evil Janine" myth by asserting that she "swanned off" for a year leaving poor, undeserving Michael penniless and with their baby, let me just remind you of several things:-

  • Janine went into premature labour, after being stressed out organising a wedding, being told by creepy Jean that her baby wouldn't be loved, being harassed by the likes of Cora and Rose and then being hassled by Michael to tear up the pre-nup that she insisted he sign.
  • She then spent the next month 24/7 at the hospital by her baby's side, often without Michael (who tried, once, to leave), watching the other child who shared neo-natal ICU die.
  • She was clearly hormonal after giving birth when she returned home, and Michael wantonly and willfully preyed on her insecurities, her self-esteem and her general mental health in lying to her, buying luxurious items (with her money) to divert her attention, whilst he basically sneaked around doing what he wanted. Who can forget that scene when she saw him walking on the Square from her window, called him on his mobile and asked where he was, only to be told he was "up West". Up West Walford, I guess. 
  • And let's not forget Katshit accidentally on purpose telling Janine that Michael had told her  he didn't love Janine or the baby.
  • Or Tanya's purely accidental reminscence of Max probably having an affair when Abi was a baby because she saw him so little.
  • Or that he finally drove the nail through her heart, telling her that she was an awful mother (after only a couple of months).
Janine didn't "swan off" at all. She left a totally broken woman, insecure, unsure, destroyed. She  froze her assets and shut him out entirely, because she knew exactly what he would do with those funds, and there'd be no money left even afterward for Scarlett.

People forget that the Moons are con men, but all of them - with the exception of Michael - are in possession of a heart and compassion. Michael has neither. The victims in all of his scams are women who are at an unusually vulnerable point - Kat (after Alfie was imprisoned and she was running from thugs; and again when Alfie had just asked for a divorce); Roxy, who was lonely; Ronnie, who was emotionally vulnerable after the secret death of her son and her kidnapping of the Moon baby; Jean, who suffers from bi-polar syndrome; and, most recently, Alice, who's naturally thick and who's just lost her father. 

When he and Janine connected initially, they bonded over the fact that both had massive daddy issues, both had abandonment issues, both had lost their mothers tragically when they were very young children, and both felt peripheral and unwanted by their immediate family units. He used these insecurities when she was hormonal as a means of keeping her under his pyschological control so he could have unfettered access to her fortune, which is what he was after all along.

As for Michael's undying care and devotion to Scarlett, if she isn't being dumped in the local nursery, she's being cared for by the insipid MyAlice Branning - and before that Roxy, whom he convinced to move in with him solely for the purpose of looking after the baby, and before that, sporadically, Whitney. So spare me the soliloquy about Michael being father of the year.

Because he's not.

And Janine didn't swan off. She was driven to leave.


  1. This tripe drives me mad, too. People must be either very stupid or very naive if they can't see that Janine clearly had Post-natal depression, and that Michael (as the actor himself has stated) is a ''functioning psychopath''. Amazing how quickly some forget what has already been established. Stupidity, ignorance, ostrich-like behaviour, or just cluelessness, do you think?

  2. *slow claps* can't wait for Janine to come back and reign total destruction on michael and kat!

  3. really good point. hope she b*tch slaps kat, puts her in her place!!!!!!!!
