Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lorraine Newman and Carey Andrews Promote Bullying

Last week, we saw the end of the gangabanga storyline, which - effectively - dealt with the fact that, all along, Liam was being bullied by the West Side Story wannabe gangsters. Bianca reacted protectively against this onslaught as most mothers would.

Last night, in another episode written by the woman who resolved the above storyline and signed off by the woman who is the executive producer for this programme, we watched whilst the 37 year-old Bianca and the 43 year-old tit-bouncing slut known as Kat wantonly and consistently bullied Mr Lister, the market inspector, simply because he was doing his job.

He merely asked that they remove empty cardboard boxes scattered around the walkway of their stall as they were a Health and Safety hazard. He was doing his job, and their attitude to removing these obstacles was ignorant and obnoxious in the least. As someone who's tripped over empty receptacles left in the walkways of an office, I wonder how both of these women would have felt if one of their children had tripped over them in the market. If an elderly person had fallen because of the obstruction and hurt themselves, the Council would have been liable for damages.

At the end of the day, Lister was just doing his job. We know he's not the nicest of people, but a few months ago, he actually made it possible for Bianca to work within the parameters of the Square and Bridge Street, after ensuring she was banned from doing so as a condition of her licence. And this is how she repays him.

Instead of using common sense and simply removing the boxes, they vociferously sought to undermine his authority and make him an object of ridicule in front of people whom he employs. Further, when he twigged what they had done, they ran, cackling and giggling, like recalcitrant schoolgirls, to hide in the loo of the caff and have a laugh at Carol aggressively challenging the way she perceived Lister to treat Bianca, demanding that he accord her daughter a modicum of respect, and even inferring that she didn't blame Bianca for putting salt in his tea.

By that action alone, Carol, a woman in her fifties, showed herself to be just as ignorant, just as stupid and just as bullying as Bianca and Kat. And this was after she'd spent the majority of that episode, making shy cows' eyes at Masood, the latest man she wants to ride through her Blackwall Tunnel otherwise known as a vagina.

Only a few weeks before, Bianca and Kat were systematically bullying Masood's son, Tamwar, who is the Assistant Market Inspector, calling him a weirdo and all sorts. Kat even suggestively invited him to her home only to employ passive-aggressive bullying tactics after he allotted her pitch to another casual trader when she and Bianca couldn't be bothered to set up early.

I wonder what Masood would make of that behaviour and Carol's defence of it.

As Lister pointed out, had anyone applied those bullying tactics to either of these women's children, they'd have been pilloried by them, so what gives them the right to target, castigate and bully someone who's just doing their job?

Who are these people?

Are they retarded? I'm seriously beginning to wonder if Bianca hasn't somehow been brain-damaged and that retconned device will surface shortly to explain how she's suddenly acquired the mental age of twelve with the emotional maturity of a spoiled six year-old. When she wailed, "M-u-u-u-mmmmm!" after Lister revoked her pitch for three weeks, that reaction said it all.

As for Katshit, so much for Newman's proposed redemption of this character. Reverting her to a personality she employed ca 2000 when she was a 30 year-old partygirl doesn't bode well on a fortysomething single mother who's supposed to be fighting to regain the love of the man she's betrayed again. And again. And again. That's character regression. And it doesn't matter how much she's "nice" to Kirsty or Michael or Alice, it's all cancelled out by her disgraceful, aggressive and bullying behaviour. It also is the height of hypocrisy that she's going to plot to deprive a vulnerable mother of her child when another woman deprived her of her own son a couple of years ago.

And these are characters we're being asked to like.

Equally as worrying is the spate of viewers, like the annoyingly lame-brained xTonix on Digital Spy fora or the inane benbenalen who defend these women's actions because xTonix likes Kat's laugh or because both of these viewers (who seem to share a collective brain cell) seem to think it's ok to behave in such a fashion because Lister, in their articulate vocabulary, is a "prat."

Obviously, neither of these retards, and that word is too nice to describe them, has ever worked or responded to a person in authority, because this sort of attitude would pre-empt them from any success in gainful employment.

I truly wonder at the stupidity of women in positions promoting such behaviour as humour. Newman and Carey Andrews should be deeply ashamed.

1 comment:

  1. To be fair, Carey Andrews is only writing dialogue for a storyline given to her by the story team and Ms Newman. She was probably deeply embarrassed to have her name on the credits for such an episode.

    I do agree with your sentiments though.
