Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Dirty Girls - Review 30.07.2013

Another episode, yet another unfamiliar writer's name. Paul Quiney.

Who he?

Another one of a plethora to pass through the famous writers' academy of the BBC. Is there no writing room anymore, or are the BBC farming out various episodes to freelancers who write the odd episode then write another months later?

Researching, I find that this Paul Quiney has written four episodes between 2012 and 2013. Four, which were few and far between. I'd love to know the total number of people writing for EastEnders. I'll bet the number exceeds ten - as compared to Coronation Street, who employ a small group of core writers who take care of the lot.

The result is better contiunuity, more consistency in character development and less retconning.

These days, the character is written to fit the storyline, the character is made to fit the actor, when the reverse should be the norm. Scott Maslen was a copper in The Bill; now he plays and ex-copper in EastEnders. The bloke who plays Ollie was also a copper in The Bill; now - guess what? - he's an ex-copper on this show.

No surprises there.

In the early days of DTC's impending tenure, with everyone second-guessing and offering him unsolicited quarterback advice, my humble first suggestion to the new EP would be to sort out his writing room. Get rid of the all and sundry and mould a room consisting of six or seven core writers, employed exclusively to write for EastEnders. And be sure to include Sharon Marshall and new girl Natalie Mitchell as part and parcel of the same.

A fish stinks from its head.

The Dirty Girls Review

I. Bianca, Bitchery and All Things Whitney.

Ooh, Whitney, you dirty girl! Wait ... wait ... that's wrong. We're supposed to pity Whitney, root for her, be on her side.

I thought her first scene in this episode, in the Butcher kitchen, portrayed her as a spoiled brat of a bitch, who, in an extreme act of petulance, had fucked the local, unintelligible meatjob, who'd been shared by her two supposed best friends. As you do.

Can EastEnders be anymore socially incestuous? Kat's slept with Alfie and his cousin. Jack has slept with Ronnie, her sister Roxy and their cousin Sam. Tanya slept with Max and Jack. I wonder if Lauren, Lucy and Whitney will one day compare notes on Joey's junk? And what is it, precisely, about Joey that charms these silly girls? Lauren was so in lurve with her cousin, his repudiation of her drove her to serious drinking and a stint in a drying-out clinic (from whence she will return with blonde highlights and a golden tan); Lucy is ready to fight anyone for Joey's attention; and Whitney, well, he's been in the back of her mind since that kiss in the Brannings' kitchen.

It must be the size of his packet. It certainly can't be his intelligence or his vocabulary. He's practically unintelligible. Perhaps it's the way he hangs his head to one side and lolligags his mouth open 98 per cent of the time.

Yeah, Joey's a real catch, especially with his minimum wage job of tending bar at the R and R.

So Whitney's big secret is that she slept with Joey. That's no big secret for Whitney. She's already slept with Peter and Fatboy, who still reside in Walford, and Ian did call her a walking STD.

So the big dilemma this morning is whether Whitney should confess to Tyler that she'd slept with Tyler.

I ask why?

I ask that because Whitney categorically stated to Bianca and Carol that she'd finished with Tyler the night before, that she and Tyler were finished, and that - instead of spending the night with Tyler, she actually spent the night with Joey, which horrifies Bianca. So if Whitney has actually finished with Tyler, that's that. No need to go out of the way and rub his nose in the fact that she slept with Joey. That's her business.

But somehow the insipid Whitey has this need, when she does something like this, to do just that - to rub the nose of the ubiquitous dependable bloke smack dab in the middle of the shit she's stirred. Why? Because it makes the guy angry, and he'll react adversely, and get angry with Whitney and make her feel even more like the victim she wants to be.

Gee, it wasn't her fault that she slept with Joey. After all, she's just a dirty girl, and Tyler is the one to blame because he really doesn't understand.

(Now where have we heard that before?)

All of a sudden, with this stark confession to Carol and Bianca, Bianca becomes a relationship advisor, which is more than making the pot call the kettle black. She's desperate for Whitney to rethink her position. Stay with Tyler - and most importantly - don't tell Tyler she slept with Joey.

Way to go, Bianca, and kudos for Carol remarking at the hypocritical efficacy of Bianca encouraging a young person to found a relationship based on a lie and a secret, something Bianca's never done - oh, wait ... she has.

(Note: Carol realises that Bianca was only fifteen years old when she had an affair with Dan - like Whitney and Tony. Why did no one mention "rape"?)

Now, Numpties, cast your mind back to January 2012, in the wake of Pat's death, when Ricky was truthful to Bianca about his one night stand with Mandy, when he was in an emotional and vulnerable state - right after she'd overreacted at his prison visit and screamed that she wanted a divorce. Remember when Carol was poisoning Bianca into kicking Ricky to the curb, and Bianca cited her own affair with Dan Sullivan, whilst she was married to Ricky the first time and whilst Dan was engaged to Carol? Carol brushed that off as "youthful indiscretion." Well, you see the proof here, written by none other than Simon Ashdown back in 1999. Does Carol give you the impression that this is "youthful indiscretion?"

Still, Bianca cautions Whitney to keep schtum, but Bianca the retard is too dumb to realise that Whitney's just itching to tell Tyler because Tyler's simply become the dependable bloke, the sort of nice guy, the type who bores Whitney.

In fact, in the heated discussion in the Butcher kitchen, Bianca even references the fact that Tyler is "a nice bloke," and later she tells Whitney that Tyler worships her. But Whitney is nurturing her victim mode, and she doesn't want to be worshipped. She wants to transfer her pity party full of poor self-esteem onto Tyler. She references guilt in the ultimate confession scene, but really what she wants is for Tyler to feel guilty. This is all about hurting Tyler, making him feel that he's the one at fault for not understanding her predicament.

The basic predicament is that Whitney was the victim of sexual abuse, and that's tragic. It's also true that such victims sometimes never get over this ordeal. But it's also true that many do and get on with their lives. Whether they do or they don't, there comes a time in a person's life that they have to take responsibility for their own actions - something Whitney and Holy Mother Kat have never done. For both of them, it's far too easy to play the "Dirty Girl," and to wallow in self-pity - oh-this-is-the-way-I-am-and-it's-your-fault-you-don't-understand-me - to the point that their partner is made to feel like a prize piece of shit for not understanding and thus, they shoulder the blame.

We've seen Alfie do this with Kat, and now, it's expected of Tyler.

Tyler is a simple lad (and a bad actor); he's also very young, and he's confused why Whitney is upset at Tony's death and why she's reacting this way. It's not his fault he sees things in black and white. I would hasten to say that I'll bet Whitney's still got the hots for Joey, because that was certainly the way she was acting around Tony.

And note how she surreptitiously let Bianca believe that it was Joey who came onto her, only to have Bianca confront Tony and get handed her skanky, skinny arse when he said Whitney had come onto him.  This is typical Whitney. Ever the victim.

It's not even that she was afraid of Bag O'Bones Beale spying her slink away from the Slater Arms in the early hours. Whitney had to put the boot in first with Tyler. That way, she could play the victim, when she couldn't with Lucy blabbing.

The fact that Lucy's still jealous of anyone hankering after that unintelligible meathead is beyond me.

As I've said before, I could perhaps sympathise with Whitney if she didn't look so slutty. She is Kat twenty years ago,and they both need a good scrub with carbolic soap.

Speaking of Kat, the great Kat-Bianca friendship is kaput. Good. I never bought into that, and it ended in a flurry of screeching and accusations and the formal ending of the tat stall. Neither one of them took it seriously. When one wasn't there, she could be found, usually, in the pub; and recently, each one has whined about the other going AWOL. Both singularly lack business sense, and now both, single mothers, have willingly made themselves unemployed. Nice one.

Of course, Kat makes a beeline for the bar, and later Bianca's shown hanging out there. Oh, and how obvious does it have to be that Kat and Alfie are still in love with each other?

And people wonder where The Daily Mail gets its stereotypes of feckless chav culture.

Who the Fuck Is Alice?

Bianca's not the only relationship expert on hand tonight. Now we're asked to believe in the expert reliability of Alice, a girl who only got to first base with her only boyfriend (before her pa and brugly other chased him out of town) and whose cherry got popped by the local psychopath.

Fatboy's enjoying the bromance of living in an all-male abode with the Masood men, to the extent that he's ignoring poor Poopy-La-Dim; so Alice confronts Tamwar and accuses him of monopolising Fatboy's time which could be spent with Poopy-La-Dim. Tamwar sees Poopy-La-Dim brooding in the Square and calls time on Fatboy's cooking.

Later, Alice tries to hone in on Tamwar's space for another reason.

Seriously, I don't know what's happened to Himesh Patel's character and who decided Tamwar should be turned into a monotoned bore of a geek. We know he hates his job, but is that the only job Tamwar can do? Well, it's the only job he can do in the Square, put it that way. Tamwar, as well, on occasion, could even be a forceful personality in dealing with a situation, as evidenced with his parents when they acted like jerks. Yet, he is utterly incapable of enforcing market rules and procedure. And he's suddenly become frightfully, painfully socially gauche.

Are we to believe this is all to do with Afia leaving? He never mentions Afia in the way Masood never mentions Zainab. Indeed, we don't even know if they're divorced. Tamwar was somewhat shy, but he was confident enough when he was part of the Darren-Libby dynamic, even when he was Darren's wingman when they both were seeing Jodie and Afia. Now he's regressed to a dolt. And what's happened to the college fund he was saving and Masood was matching?

Rumours have been swirling around out of Elstree that Jasmyn Banks has been lobbying for an Alice-Tamwar romance, and in the last days of Newman's watch, it looks as though this might be being developed, but once again ... why?

The couple have absolutely no chemistry, and it's obvious that Banks might be wary of her character's longevity considering one of the two main characters with whom she's been associated is leaving and Alice has always been a dodgy character with viewers. I suppose she feels Alice has to have a romance, and the last man standing is Tamwar. Plus it would fit in very nicely with Newman's rainbow vision of love and warmth.

Well, I hope DTC puts paid to Tamwar and Alice ... Who the fuck is Alice?

Jean Meanie.

Please stop telling me how loveable and understanding Jean is. Please stop it. Right now.

God, she's bloody annoying. And this has nothing to do with her bi-polar medical condition.

There are a few people on Digital Spy - people who should know better - who insist that Jean is suffering from a mental illness. She's not. Bi-polar is a physical condition. It's caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and is controlled by medication. Like angina or acne.

What Jean is, however, is pigshit thick. She is dumb. Stupid. Naive. She is entirely what Little Mo would have become in twenty years, even to the hunched shoulders and clasped hands. Now that she's got a fella, I fully expect her to screech out unexpectedly, Ooooooh Ollieeeee the way Little Mo would screech after Billy and the way Frank Spencer would do the same after his Betty.

Everything is in extreme with Jean. She can't empty the contents of her handbag without the contents exploding all over the place. She can't be surprised or joked with unless she starts nattering and screeching. 

And, like so many others, she uses her bi-polar condition as an excuse to behave badly on occasion, the most recent being doing criminal damage to Ian Beale's restaurant.

I take issue with her confession to Ollie over dinner tonight, about her reason for vandalising Ian's business premises.

We-e-e-ll, I suppose you could say he had it coming. Ian Beale can be a ... bully sometimes.

I find it positively gobsmacking that an ex-serving police constable bought that line. Had he been on duty when that happened, he'd have been obliged to arrest Jean. But, hey, since Ian didn't press charges, there's nothing to worry about.

I'm sick and tired of this constant meme of Ian being a bully and deserving everything that's happened to him. He doesn't. As much as Jean, Ian's actually had a mental breakdown and is still recovering from this. He gave Jean a job, paid for her extra training and tonight offered her her old job back, telling her how good a chef she really was. I only wish someone would clue Ollie in on what really happened that night, how the woman he's taken a fancy to, believes silly horoscope and pop psychology in women's magazines and accused Ian of sexually harassing her when he was actually professionally complimenting her. That's why Ian deserved what was done to him.

Two things: Ollie and Jean rushing upstairs to fuck on the second date. He knows nothing about her. As Jean ranted earlier, he knows nothing about her daughter the murderer or even her bi-polar; and she knows nothing about him. Why did his wife leave him? We only have his story and people can easily lie.

And the final thing: Jean in a mini-skirt. Please. She's a fifty-something woman, and there comes a time when such things must cease. The same goes for Shirley. Mutton dressed as lamb.

Isn't It Ironic?

Isn't it ironic that Lucy Beale accuses her father of the same traits she possesses - jealousy, greed, selfishness etc?

Isn't it ironic that Lucy scammed all the businesses and assets from Ian in a similar way he did the same to her?

I  hate how Ian's totally ignoring what Lucy did to him and how Peter, who wasn't anyplace to be seen last year as he was undergoing a head transplant and diction lessons in Devon, and Denise, who's supposed to be Ian's girlfriend, presume to lecture Ian on how he's manipulated and played Lucy.

Lucy, meanwhile, is acting like the incredible hulk, refusing to have anything to do with or co-operate with Ian, yet continuing to live under his roof and be supported by him.

I also hate the way Ian's going around on an apology tour, thanking Lucy for keeping his businesses afloat and saying that without her, he'd have lost everything. I want him to fucking man up and tell everyone how that snide, little anorexic, mouth-breathing bitch absolutely refused to allow him to live in his own home until he'd signed everything he owned over to her. The act was witnessed by her dodgy lawyer and Joey Branning who was humping her pathetic bones at the time.

Ian took back what was his, as well as the money he embezzled from her account, because he sussed that she didn't want him starting a restaurant or any business which might be in competition with her "empire." He even had to beg her to let him retain the stall, taking a pithy wage from her. 

He needs to tell the world that. I'm Team Beale here, and I want to see Alpha Ian return. Tell the world about Lucy's shenanigans, tell Peter to shut the fuck up as he couldn't be bothered to even contact his family last year and therefore has no right to comment on something he doesn't understand, and he needs to remind Denise that if she's going to be his snuggle-bunny, then she needs to stop the patronising act, because the last time a former Mrs Beale tried to patronise Ian, she ended up on the street on Christmas Day.

Yet another episode where nothing happened.

Final Observation: DTC should envelope Bianca into the Beale dynamic, as she's Ian's niece. She's more Beale than Branning, considering - like Ian - she never learns from her mistakes.


  1. http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showpost.php?p=67094977&postcount=47

    the most recent count shows 33 different writers have written for the show in 8 months

  2. I can't stand Lucy the character nor the actress who plays her, Hetti Bywater. She is usually hunched over with her arms folded and is a terrible actress. Not only that she is so thin that anorexic girls see her as someone to aspire to be. I think she should be axed.
