Thursday, July 25, 2013

Don't ASSUME About David Wicks

Since it's obvious that most of the numpties on Digital Spy who share a collective brain cell either can't remember or weren't compos mentis or even alive in the 90s when David Wicks first appeared on EastEnders, let me set you straight about some misinformation you've been given or have created in your own minds.

  • David Wicks and Carol Jackson were never never NEVER a great love affair. They were a one-off teenaged bunk-up behind the bikesheds when she was fourteen and he was fifteen. It resulted in Bianca. Nothing more. Carol went onto cut a swathe through a plethora of men before settling down with Alan Jackson, whose name she took before she married him and who gave all her various children his own surname. 
  • Before David fucked Carol during his stint in the 1990s, he had a serious and protracted affair with Cindy Beale, his brother's wife. They were even planning on running away from Walford together before - surprise surprise - David chickened out.
  • Before Cindy, he had a lengthy affair with Sam Mitchell, newly divorced from his stepbrother, Ricky Butcher, who was about to marry David's daughter, Bianca. Do you see and understand his tastes in women based on these two? 
  • The ONLY time he coupled with Carol in the 90s was in the wake of the Square discovering he was the man with whom Cindy Beale was unfaithful and the entire population of Walford, including David's Auntie Pauline and his mother, Pat, shunning him. Carol only reciprocated in retaliation to Alan's infidelity.
The Carol-David lifetime of love was a retcon by - you guessed it! - Bryan Kirkwood. They were never this generation's Pat and Frank. They weren't even a facsimile of Sharon and Grant. Consider this: David had sex with Carol in 1996 because he was licking the wounds of being discovered as his brother's betrayer. After their brief weekend fling, Carol went back to Alan and David left Walford in disgrace. When he returned in 2012, he had sex with Carol in the wake of his mother's death. Comfort sex again. So David turns to mumsy Carol for comfort sex. Yes, they have a daughter, and they'll always have that bond, in the way Tanya and Max will always share a bond because of their children; but they do not have an enduring love.

Besides, David Wicks is a player with a commitment problem. When he surfaced in Walford in 1993, before serving time in prison for tax fraud, he'd abandoned a wife and two children. He didn't even know his daughter had been killed in a traffic accident. His taste in women then ran the gamut from Sam Mitchell to Cindy Beale - in short, tarty. Last time, he was about to have sex with Roxy Mitchell. They were halfway up the stairs of the Mitchell abode, when he heard Phil's voice from the kitchen and shat himself leaving. Let it be understood that David Wicks is a lover, but not a fighter in the coward's sense of the word.

When the Branning brothers called him out on the fact that he would entice Carol to leave only to be bored with monogamy down the line and dump her, he left Walford, alone, because of that home truth.

Like Max Branning, the youthful fiftyish David Wicks would most likely, this time around, be attracted to the likes of thirtysomethings Roxy Mitchell or Kirsty Branning or the fortyish Sadie Young.

Besides, Bianca and Carol aren't the only ties David has to Walford. He's Ian Beale's brother, uncle to the Beale twins and Bobby and stepbrother to Janine Butcher Moon. It's time he reconciled with Ian, went in with him on the restaurant and served as a point of reference for his niece and older nephew concerning information about their mother. As a dodgy type of businessman, maybe he should offer expertise to and look out for Janine against the wiles of Michael Moon and/or Danny Pennant.

What TPTB should not do with David Wicks is the following:-
  • he should not settle down with Carol and play paterfamilias and granddad to the Butcher-Jackson brood. Cardigans and bedroom slippers don't bode well for this character.
  • he should not go into business with Max Branning at the car lot. That horse has bolted.
  • he should not involve himself in any love triangle (that means no Masood/Carol/David or Phil/Sharon/David or Carl/Kirsty/David or even Max/Kirsty/David)
  • above all, he should not not NOT shag Denise.
But considering who's in charge of this shower, I expect all of the above negative points to be explored in full.



  1. Excellent article. Whilst I'm with you in not wanting to see yet another love triangle, I could really see David going for Kirsty if this were real life. Mind you, that would be a love quadrilateral (David/Kirsty/Carl/Max).

  2. Please, please, please somebody take your blog post and plaster it all over Lorraine Newman's office and maybe she'll learn a thing or two.

    I feel really sorry for Adam Woodyatt because the writing for the show is absolute pants.

    I don't know how he can manage to say some of the garbage his character must say, when Adam himself surely must remember past storylines and family relationships.

    I guess that's good acting when you can choke back your bile to earn your living. Ian Beale deserves better and for TPTB to always be ret-conning relationships for these characters is maddening.

    And this "romance" between Tiff and Bobby? Somebody needs to sit down and draw them a family tree. Please.
