Monday, July 8, 2013

Floating Shit Show. - Review: 08.07.2013

Deeply ... Unpleasant ... People.

That's the best way to describe EastEnders at the moment, where characters who are pointless and annoying get all the screentime, and pejorative characters promoting unsociable behaviour triumph, where bullying is a way of life and lying and manipulation are rife. A psychopath is promoted in such a way that shallow, inspid, extremely stupid young girls yearn for a psychopathic lover (and don't imagine they might end up on a mortuary slab).

When Ian Beale at his weasely worst comes across as a sympathetic figure, then something is terribly wrong.

Time was, in this show, that people who did wrong always met their karma. Dennis Rickman, as nice, pretty and fey as he was, killed mean Jack Dalton. Dennis, therefore, had to die. Chrissie Watts killed Den and languishes in prison to this day. Ben is jailed for his killing of Heather. Yet Stacey Slater roams the world, free and easy, having murdered a man. She wasn't suffering for a bi-polar episode. Diederich Santer, who started the Stacey ball rolling, stated that Stacey wasn't having a bi-polar episode. Her murder of Archie was calculated and cold-blooded.

Tanya swanned out of Walford, having attempted murder. And Bianca and Kat wantonly bully to the extent that Bianca now has committed a crime. Will she get justifiably punished for it? Probably not. The way this programme is going, I wouldn't be surprised if they saw fit to give a love and warmth ending with Michael waltzing off into the sunset with Scarlett, just to add to the awful myth that is "evil Janine."

The crap continues, this time with another inexperienced Academy writer, Rebecca Wojciechowski. 

Who are these people?

The Newman Negro Show.

Ava the Rava in another life.

Dex-TAAAAAA in another life.

And Sam is not James Earl Jones.

Yet again, these characters dominated the programme, when most people don't give a rat's arse about them, least of all ...


It's official. Ava is a Piece of Shit, and Dex-TAAAAAA is a cold, little turd. The jury's out on Sam, except to say he's a pretty crap actor, so that includes him in the fecal analogy too.

Ava is the pathetic character of the Newman era. Where Kirkwood gave us the Moon Goons, characters with no backstory or developmental arc other than the testosterone they carried in their boxies, Newman has given us Ava the Rava, originally a well-educated, well-spoken middle-class professional who, within a a matter of months, became an ungrammatical, shrieking, lazy harridan, a liar and a desperate, clinging woman. Needy and needling.

Ava the Rava is the teacher who doesn't teach. The Deputy Head who's never at her post. Deputy Heads don't come home for lunch, which is where Ava the Rava was today when she had her argument with  Dex-TAAAAAAA. At least that's what I thought, after seeing that the pub was open and full to capacity at lunchtime when Phil came hunting for Jay and Dex-TAAAAAA, who seem to have the same sort of lame worth ethic most of Walford residents. 

Let's get one thing straight: If Dexter is a reflection of Ava's parenting, she is yet another epic fail. He is badly spoken, uses atrocious grammar and ends every sentence with the illiterate's favourite innit. He is, without a shadow of a doubt, the middle-class white writer's idea of a stereotypical urban ghetto youth. He is a Negro.

He is also a completely, unintelligible, utterly spoiled brat, who needs a swift slap. I was actually hoping Phil Mitchell would bounce him around the Arches, or that Sam would smack the shit out of him. He is a walking embodiment of the Little King Syndrome, a kid who's been allowed to rule the roost to the point that he dictates his mother's behaviour.

Ava is 48 years old, soon to turn 49. Her son is 20 years old. He dictates her behaviour in a way far worse than Grant Mitchell would dictate Courtney's. On the other hand, Dexter is now an adult, as is his mother, so there really shouldn't be a problem, nor should there be any of this silly sneaking about, trying not to annoy Dexter. Ava the Rava, like her son, is an adult. She's free to see whom she wants, even if that person is Sam. If she makes a mistake, that's her problem. Dexter the Dictator should simply shut the fuck up. He'd soon tell Ava the Rava where to go if she tried to stop him from seeing a girl of whom she disapproved, so she should just tell him to get stuffed. At least, she openly refused to stop seeing Sam.

Apart from that, Khali Best is just an appalling actor, another inexperienced, provincial drama school kid, who was hired on the cheap, basically, to play himself. Once again, moulding the actor to the character as opposed to vice versa. His character has the emotional maturity of a five year-old, who throws his toys out of the pram whenever he doesn't get his way. On a deeper level, the way he wants to throw his dad aside and protect pathetic Mummy Dearest, screams Oedipal complex.

Luddites on Digital Spy and elsewhere, if you don't understand what an Oedipal complex is, watch this - the fact that it's a cartoon might help you:-

And how about that all-new Phil Mitchell, mentor and advisor of troubled youth? Time was, Phil would have knocked Dexter for six, the way he spoke to him at the Arches, especially his mention of Louise. That Phil even takes an interest in Dexter at all is phenominal. That he told him to grow up fell on deaf ears. 

Really, Dexter? Giving your old man a fiver to leave town? Didn't Sam buy that car they were fixing up? And whilst she's running around hanging out in the pub and running about with Jay (who should be at work and who seems to be scamming Phil in work time), who exactly is watching Lexi? Billy, who's supposedly working for Janine? Phil surely isn't, and Sharon has left. Funny, how Lexi's now been forgotten once she'd served her purpose.

I've no time for brats like Dexter and even less time for craven hypocritical lazy pieces of shit like Ava. This character is an insult to all teachers and educational administrators everywhere. First, she's going to school dressed in tatty old jeans and a mangy top - what kind of standard does that set? The kids at Walford Primary, where she works when she bothers to show up, are supposed to wear uniforms, and they do. We've seen Tiffany, Bobby, Morgan and Denny in theirs. Secondly, Ava doesn't even make it to the work this time. Again.

She does, however, make it to the pub, where she increasingly hangs out.

Which brings me to her putrid mother, and Dexter's new-found "family." Is Dexter an oreo?

Is Ava becoming one? Because all of a sudden this new-found white family that Dexter seems to cling so close to is the one Ava was not only guarding him from but also making light of, at the beginning of this year.

And there's Cora-the-Bora, propping up the bar for a bevvy before going off to breathe alcoholic fumes all over people's clean wash, only to find widdle Dexter hiding out and sulking in the back room of the launderette. Awwwww ... he has to share Mummy's titty wiv Daddy, diddums. I suppose this is now an attempt to redeem the awful old trout Cora-the-Bora, telling Dexter Diddums to man up and give Sam a chance, before telling him she was on his side.

To wit ... Cora is not Ava's mother, and she's no grandparental rights to Dexter. By all other explanations, most likely since retconned or forgotten by inadequate writers who don't bother with continuity, Dexter had perfectly capable and loving white grandparents before Cora, who did him far more good than this hypocritical and drunken old lag.

And as for Sam, he's fucking twenty-eight and too young to cope with a baby? Please. Leave. Just go now, and take your brick shithouse ex-wife, her spoiled brat and the mother-in-law from hell with you. You deserve them all.

By far and large the best scene from this steaming pile tonight was Phil Mitchell acknowledging and commenting sarcastically on the preponderence of Daddy Issue storylines and how weak characters self-victimise by blaming everything on Dear Old Dad. 

Like Ben did.

Newman's Negro Show has become the Amos'n Andy of EastEnders, and that's offensive:-

Three More Turds.

Yes, Ian Beale has done wrong. Yes, he took money he found in Derek's strongbox. Yes, he took money from his daughter's business accounts, after she scammed him into signing those businesses over to her.

But what was done to his restaurant was wantonly criminal.

My estimation of Peter Beale continues to go higher. A nice, decent boy played by a good actor, who showed both the inarticulate lumps of crap (more shit to be shoveled) known as Joey and Tyler up tonight for the planks they were, both professionally and characteristically.

I like the way Peter's defending his father. I like the way he's at once, concerned by Lucy's fear that Ian's having a relapse after the latest shenanigans, and that he's also determined to look after his father's interests. Ian suspects Carl of having done this. Of course, Carl's capable of this, but he's not that stupid. Carl's tactics would be infinitely more frightening and sinister. Give the man credit.

(Aside: I actually like how they're not pushing Carl down our throats in every episode, but just showing him in bits and bobs in situations which will, surely have a bearing on his future as a character. Tonight, he was elemental to Kirsty's reaction to having Max request her wedding ring be returned, and, of course, there was the rather pathetic stare-down by Ian Beale. Still, building for the future).

Peter was actually on the right track, when he informed the police about Ian sacking Whitney the previous night and her overreaction, and also that Jean Slater had a spare set of keys.

Ah, Jean. Jean has a conscience, and shits herself (fecal matter again) when she gets wind that the police have been brought into the situation. Why wouldn't they be? As one officer informed Ian, crimes started by fire are serious crimes - as in arson. And once again, Jean is being viscerally bullied by Bianca and Shirley to keep her mouth shut and lie to the police - all to save Bianca's saggy, increasingly wrinkly skin.

I'm sorry, but if Bianca is so shit-scared (poo again) about going back to prison, don't you think that, at thirty-seven, she'd begin to try to behave herself? Even Whitney, who took the brunt of the accusation in being questioned as a suspect by the police, told her off (before reneging later on) and remarked how Bianca seriously had to begin to act responsibly. She's got four children after all. All Bianca could do is whine that all they wanted was some free booze.


The entitlement of this grand retard knows no bounds. She's entitled to free booze? From Ian? And the way she speaks about Ian, who's actually as close a relative to her as Max Branning, and who has employed her time and again against the odds, is disgusting.

That's just Ian Beale, you know what he's like.

Yes, he's a hard-working grafter, and she's jealous that he's achieved what he has, and that he didn't see fit to hire either her or Carol as waitresses. So she's just entitled to enter an establishment illegally and help herself to booze. That's not the way it works, and like it or not, that's a criminal act. For a moment, I actually applauded Whitney's disgust until that scene in the pub when she promised to stick together, as the three turds were discussing the fact that Ian's called off the investigation. Jean still is prescient enough to have a conscience.

I really would love for Bianca to get a real comeuppance - pulling a stunt like that because she's jealous of a successful relative. If she had more than one brain cell, she'd realise that, were she more civil to Ian, he just might be nicer to her. As for Shirley, she is nothing less than vile,and deserves to crawl back from whence she came ...

The Big Shit and the Little Fart.

Once again, the Michael Moon merry go-round begins again. Please tell me, why Alice, with her ill-fitting veneers (which look more and more like dentures) follows Michael around the Square only to ask if he's OK? That's what she did tonight, traipsing after him to the Boxing Club just for that purpose.

So is she going to scam Janine again? You never can tell with Janine, and after what happened to her with Michael, I'd like to think Janine is reeling in some fish for the fire.

That Alice is so stupid as to let Michael manipulate her simply by mentioning Scarlett's name shows how pathetic this little fart really is. Scarlett is not her baby, nor is she her responsibility. Janine seems to be coping perfectly well with Scarlett, and I hated the fact that Michael openly suggested to Alice that she quit because Janine was such an awful employer, and that the nitwit didn't even protest.

Alice quit working for Janine for quite the opposite - Janine was unfailingly nice to her, paying her extra for extra hours, giving her gifts, generally being nice and reasonable to the extent that Alice felt so guilty for deceiving her by visiting Michael with Scarlett on the sly that she confessed. I'm glad that, even though she hired her back, Janine let Alice know that she knew Alice was a liar. I want her to find out that Michael Moon fucked away Alice's virginity and then treated her, yes, like a piece of shit in an effort to manipulate her into doing his will.

This is a classic psychopath, and he doesn't deserve having any child under his control. Who's more vulnerable and pliable than an innocent child?

I hope Janine stuffs him, and I hope at the end of this tale, Alice goes running home to Mummy wherever she is, and never returns. At least, even though he can't be understood half the time, Joey is aware of the situation, for what it's worth.

Added Extras: Boy, they aren't letting us forget the Brannings, are they? Max doing his gecko gaze at Kirsty in the pub ...

Bag O'Bones Beale serving free guilt food to Abi the Dough-faced Girl, who seems to study (of all places) in the cafe. (Hasn't she heard of a library?) Then Joey suddenly speaking to Abi for the first time ever to ask how Lauren (Larrraagh) was. I don't think Abi understood him.

And finally, Kirsty the Desperate, begging Abi to tell Max that she still loved him and knew that he loved her. Why is Kirsty suddenly reminding me of a London version of Rose from Keeping Up Appearances?

Yet another tripey episode. Pass the toilet paper. This is turning into terminal diarrhea.

Fuckwit Line of the Night to Ava the Rava:

Are girls included too?

Seriously, this actress goes from bad to worse. Whoever described her acting style as "public service announcement acting" wasn't far off the mark. Please show her the door, and don't let it hit her fat arse on the way out.

Final Update: With the announcement that the Vatican plans to canonise Pope John Paul II, I'm wondering if the Christmas episode will be the canonisation of Saint Kat, Matron Saint of Sluts, judging by the fact that they had her on the stall tonight, scrubbed clean of slap, and her recent posturings as agony aunt and emotional counsellor of the Square. Jesus, the shit's getting deep around here.

1 comment:

  1. I learned 2 things from tonight's review,

    1) The meaning of Oedipal.

    2) That I am a Luddite.

