Friday, September 21, 2012

Bully of the Week

Walford Web kindergarten has always been a bastion of bullying, and they've come up trumps yet again in winning this award.

In the time-honoured tradition of Walford Web's ooh-matron-and-Don-Draper-dolly followed by Jark the Jerk, I give you this week's winner ... Shadow Hold.

Shadow Hold is a vicious,  rude and bitchy bully who targets one poster in particular. 

Florence Serene is a gentle soul, who just happen to think the sun shines out of the posterior portion of Tony Discipline. Now, Discipline isn't everyone's cup of tea, and I wouldn't weep copious tears were he to get the axe tomorrow, but everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions on characters. I have to say, Florence Serene is nothing but politeness, itself, even when he rebukes other commenters for being less-than-polite to him.

This week, Shadow Hold was particularly and unnecessarily rude and condescending.

But that doesn't surprise me due to the company Shadow Hold keeps.

Here's his award, considering he says he's located in Margate (such class):-

John Swallow really needs to "get a grip" on the bullying on his site.

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