Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sharon's Been Retconned

Sharon told Phil she'd been back in the UK a couple of weeks, but something her ex-fiance, John, said and also what her child said, hinted that this might not be exactly true.

Letitia Dean spills the beans in this interview.

Sharon's actually been back in the UK for four years, which would explain why her munchkin-cute son has an English accent. But it also presents a problem: Bryan Kirkwood's been caught retconning Diederick Santer's work again. And this time, it's major.

OK, we all know about how Bryan Kirkwood retconned a nameless one-night-stand for Bianca evolving into meeting Tony King on a rainy night, moving in with him and having him "lend" his paternity to Morgan, suddenly became (for Kirkwood) a full-blown affair between Bianca and Ray Dixon, who - surprise surprise - actually knew Tony. Kirkwood retconned something Santer had presented little over three years before, a fact that should have been relatively fresh in viewers' minds.

Now, he's done it again, on a larger scale and with bigger characters.

Right ... Sharon's been skulking around the UK for four years, ostensibly too ashamed to call attention to Phil of whatever pitiful plight she's encountered. Think back to October 2009.

In March 2009, Ian Beale turned forty. To celebrate, he bought a ridiculous leather biker's jacket, a set of drums and tried to get in touch with Kelvin Carpenter via "MatesGate." Later on that year, he abruptly announced, in the autumn, that he was winging off to Florida to see Sharon for her fortieth. October 2009. He did it as well, wearing the biker jacket.

Jane was well pissed off, because he left her to cope on her own with the twins and Bobby. A few weeks later, he returns, bragging of Sharon owning a spread like Southfork, yet never mentioning Michelle. Ian Beale definitely went to Florida to see Sharon; so in October 2009, not even three years ago yet, Sharon was still in Florida. And solvent.

Immediately Ian returned, Phil hit Ian for a loan to cover the bail money lost when Sam skipped bail. The loan is secured on the Vic, with Phil having two weeks to pay. During the two-week period, Ian got drunk and slept with Janine, who recorded their sex session and downloaded it onto Archie's laptop. Archie used this to bully Ian into selling him Phil's loan, so Archie ended up getting the Vic, and Ian ended up being a suspect in Archie's killing because he stole the laptop in order to try to erase the recorded sex session.

So Kirkwood and Kath Beedles have retconned Diederick Santer's work, yet again. Because I tell you, if I remember Ian visiting Sharon in Florida in 2009, others will as well.

Piss. Poor. Lazy. Writing. And. Research.

This is why Eastenders is sub-par at the moment, and John Yorke should sit up and take notice.

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