Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Song for Wee Willie Wanker Slater-Mitchell

Could the words in this song be a clue to wee Willie Wanker's OTT Ronnie-worship?

If so, someone needs to tell the lad to lay off the firewater. He's drunk on Ronnie, caught in a trap, he's getting high, he's drunk on Ronnie ...


  1. Feel better now? Just go sit on the naughty step and take your hand out of your trousers. That'll turn you blind. And stop projecting.

  2. He is a tosser. And I don't hate you Emilia and people love reading your blogs as they always have something to say.

  3. Emilia, I adore your blog. Ignore the wretched waste of breath who commented first. He is just showing exactly how stupid he is.

    Obviously someone who doesn't like to read the truth about himself.


    1. Say it to his face?

      Well, if the first comment is a style of his wonderful wit and charm, I think I'll pass.

      I have no wish to start a conversation with such a foul-mouthed, disrespectful individual.

      I do not subscribe to pathetic Twitter anyway.

  5. Just to show you how foolish you are. Do me for harassment? All I have to do is show them your wonderful command of vocabulary. You HAVE proven one thing, however, and that's that Walford Web is a hive of misogyny. Any MAN who refers to anyone by the c-word has no likening or respect for women, and that would include your mother, sunshine. Do one.

  6. You on the other hand has bucket loads of respect for women! Your hypocrisy is laughable!

  7. Actually, I do. I never refer to my own gender as C*NTS, the way you do. Go wash your hands. Your wrists must be ever so tired.

  8. Never mind, one day he'll grow up & realise what a twat he was during his teenage years.

    (& good on you for posting his vile little outbursts)

  9. WW once was a place which had more female posters than male ones. Many females left and the majority is made up of males. Many immature and foul mouthed. John doesn't give a toss about the site or Eastenders anymore as long as he gets enough hits to pay for the ads. The site now has the same few posters making most of the posts. As most do not want to communicate with them. Behind each others backs they slag the others off which shows just what sort of people they really are.

    1. Mostly sexually-frustrated young bullybois who hate women and think they know everything.

    2. I know someone like that!

  10. I just picture him as some pathetic little ginger-haird Celtic child screaming at the bottom of his garden because his mummy won't let him have sweets.

  11. Or a foul-mouthed spotty youth, who needs said foul mouth washed out with soap - preferably by his mother, who would be REALLY proud to hear how her Little Angel speaks to women.

  12. I beg your pardon!? I think you have me confused with the other anon! I have never referred to anyone as a CUNT!

  13. Good to see Biffo's back to his old tricks - or should I say hers? Don't worry. Not only did I not post your abuse and your very personal remarks, but I also reported your ISP to the appropriate authorities.

  14. Ladies and gentlemen, Biffo is in the building.

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