Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ronnie and Not Suffering Fools Gladly

I haven't been well for over a week, so the blog's been a bit behind and I hope to update it fully this week. Bear with me.

In the meantime, just reading the spoilers about Ronnie proves me right - I think - and the show will morph into The Ronnie Show, starring Saint Kat and Ronnie the Strong, both of whom will take over the Square as everyone else (especially the men) devolve into spineless assholes. 

I mean, it seems, already that it's been decided that Alfie will be the bad guy, the fly in the ointment of Ronnie's return because he's the only sonofabitch acting normally when the woman who snatched his son and made his life hell through misplaced grief for four months returns to live opposite the Square - not only to live opposite the Square, but to share a joke at his expense with the woman he wants to marry, who happens to be Ronnie's sister. Kat? Kat's already forgiven her. She allows her to kip down at the Slater house with Tommy upstairs.

And fully expect Sam Womack to stay longer than six months.

Finally, if reading the sickening spoilers about Ronnie taking over the show isn't enough, I have to endure the ueber excitement of the BullyBoi/Girl-in-Chief-Cheerleader for the Ronnie Brigade on Walford Web Bully Emporium, which would be Willie Wanker Slutter Mitchell, whose excitement at the prospect of Ronnie's returns positively emanates seepage of bodily fluids.

I want to smack him.

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