Friday, September 20, 2013

I Have Been Ill

Apologies for the recent tardiness in reviews lately. I've been ill and in quite a lot of pain, and watching the programme, in those instances, is low on my priority list compared to pain management.

For all you troll, especially Biffo in disguise, who've been anonymously wishing me death in messages, go relish in what you perceive to be karma, but just remember that karma is a two way street and you'll get your just reward.

Anyway, I'm catching up tonight and tomorrow.


  1. Your poor old bones. Yep its karma alright for all the bullying and harassment you have done to so many.

    Loved that hate thread someone made about you on DS. Shame it got deleted again

  2. Awww, well I hope it hurts. Keep you under that bridge where you belong.

  3. To Biffo and the other charming fanboi de luxe, just remember this: What goes around, comes around. I just hope I'm around to experience whatever misfortune bites your sorry and sad arses. I assure you that whatever I've suffered, you've just ensured that you will suffer twice that. Go clean your acne.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. I think your blog is great! I get such a kick out of reading it.

  5. All the best - ignore the inferiors. - MrWoodySir

  6. Get better soon. Miss your reviews already.

  7. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    All the best.
