Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Masood Week II: The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba - Review 16.10.2012

Let's have some wedding music to get us all in the mood:-

Yes, the happy day has arrived - for more than one person. 

This was a good episode, don't get me wrong; but at times, I found the dialogue - especially, the wedding vows bit - a bit cloying and sickeningly sweet.

Syed and Christian have stayed in the same flat overnight, and thus, they've seen each other on the day of the wedding, before the wedding, which is never good luck - at least, not on EastEnders.

It doesn't help, as well, that - after all is said and done - that Syed still cannot be totally honest with his partner - although, it has to be said, that Syed is the only character I've ever known who could be both totally honest and totally dishonest at the same time.

Totally honest in that he actually told Christian that he wasn't ready to be married - he was "too young" to be precise. He was also truthful in telling Christian that he was selfish, that "this" is his modus operandi - in his selfish desire to "be someone" and prove  himself, he lets nothing stand in his way - not his family, not their business, not their livelihood - to take the risk he hopes will get him the recognition he craves. Christian should beware.

But Christian has attained sainthood status. He forgives Syed - who was actually trying to run out on a Christian who was doing a bad job of playing possum on the couch - because Syed has told him about squandering the family fortune.

The dishonesty is that Syed is only just "so" honest, and then only when he's about to be caught. He told Christian about the embezzlement; he was caught by Masood kissing Danny, a fact which Masood inadvertantly disclosed in front of Christian, so Syed was forced to come clean again (the closest he's come to honesty) ... Here's another song for the star-crossed Romeos ...

Maybe this should have been amongst the tunes played at the wedding.

Syed was all over the place tonight, and this reminded me of why I dislike the character so much. He's so wimpy and whiney and part of the EastEnders Cult of the Victim. How dare he accuse Masood of walking out on his marriage, when the combined forces of Zainab, Yusef, Tamwar and Afia sidelined him and undermined him to the point that he was forced to leave, as Zainab chose Yusef. Syed was distracted with Amira and Yasmin during most of this time. So for Syed to say that Masood "deserted" his family is a blatant lie.

Speaking of lies, why is it that I have the feeling that Syed and Danny slept together and in Syed's and Christian's bed? Syed virtually confesses this to Christian, then retracts the statement in abject, shit-splitting fear and gives him some gumpf about all of this occurring in his head and heart.

Christian's words were prescient - Syed shouldn't marry him if he's doing so because he feels he must. He should marry him because he loves him. Well, forgive me if I think Syed married Christian for the same reason he married Amira - only this time, he married Christian because Christian offered  him a lifeline in promising him that they would sort out Syed's financial difficulties together - that they would face the wrath of Zainab together and Christian would hit Roxy for a loan. (So ... let me get this straight ... Roxy suddenly has money again? Or will she raid Amy's trust fund again? Because I'd trust Alfie more for paying back the VAT money Jean stole than I would Syed).

As much as I like the Masoods, I thought all the syrupy sweet language surrounding this wedding was a bit too treacly, considering the fact that Zainab bullied Syed into his first marriage, knowing he was gay, that both Masood and Zainab passively-aggressively bullied Syed into his reassessment therapy and that both treated Christian like shit and totally shunned Syed when he decided to live his lifestyle openly. In less than two years, they've come full circle to the point that Zainab is now a fully-fledged fag hag.

Christian's vows were embarrassingly maudlin, and Masood now claiming to have four sons was astounding - and, pardon me, but since when does Christian have the right to refer to Yasmin as "our" daughter? Yasmin has one mother and one father - Syed. Christian is her step-father and, as such, has no final say over her upbringing as that is down entirely to her parents, even though they are not together.

The closest Syed came to complete honesty tonight was when he reminded Christian that he was still a virginal romantic, that - apart from a few one-night stands - Christian was his first real relationship. He was spot on the mark when he admitted that he didn't even know who he was at this point. He's decompensated, landed his family in hot water again, lost the business, and he's really being passively-aggressively bullied into this wedding by Christian in much the same way, albeit subtly, that Zainab did when he was marrying Amira.

The other storyline gaining steam was Denise and Arthur's secret bonk. Arthur is smitten, still anxious to know that, to Denise, this was something more than a drunken fumble. Denise, on the other hand, is slightly ashamed to admit that she spent the night with someone young enough to be her son. To compound matters, the louche AJ, who becomes more and more of a parody in each episode - what is  wrong with AJ's eye? - is interested in Denise, now that it's obvious Roxy's not interested anymore.

Denise's face was the hightlight of the episode tonight, especially in her discomfort around Arthur, and Kim was even funny, especially as she dressed the part, garishly, for a Muslim wedding.

And then there was Jean, emphasising her appointed and annointed position as "flower arranger", not once, but three times and then barging in just in time to shower the happy couple with flower petals. Jean the New Age guru, Jean the counselor, Jean the Village Idiot - whatever she was, she was superfluous.

And now here's a song entirely devoted to Syed, because it's what he is ...

A liar ...

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