Saturday, October 20, 2012

What Lorraine Newman Should Be Asked (But Won't Be)

Since Daniel Kilkelly's advertised the fact that the mystery that is Lorraine Newman will consent to an interview with Digital Spy, and since Kilkelly is fishing for questions, I have one for him - but he won't dare ask it, basically because I don't think he has the balls to do so, but I hope he proves me wrong.

Just looking on the Digital Spy forum at the moment, on his announcement thread, the only commentator posing valid and probing questions - and the sort which should be asked - is Scrabbler

Every question he's asked should be put to Newman, because she owes the public that much, since we pay her salary, but if Kilkelly goes into this, starstruck, as a fawning fan approaching a quasi-celebrity, no one will get any satisfaction.

Forget asking all this shit about will-Joey-snog-Lauren, ask Scrabbler's questions and then ask this:-

Does Ms Newman read the collectively pejorative opinions voiced on various fora by the majority of serious EastEnders' viewers or is she pandering to the lowest common denominator of one brain-celled teen variety who inhabit the realms of Facebook and Twitter?

She's been with the show some twenty years, surely the long-term viewer means something to the show's integrity, yet all we seem to have got in the past two years are excessive and obvious retcons, and the show is still retconning; and this sloppiness and lazy writing is something that Newman, as Series Producer, has signed off on.

What happened to young people with ambition and drive and the will to overcome obstacles? Instead, now we get spoiled, entitled and lazy youth, whining to be treated like adults yet financially dependent and demanding to be so on their parents. Yes, I'm looking at YOU, Lauren Branning, who should be languishing in a Young Offenders' unit someplace for attempting to murder her father.

What happened to the strong, central male figure - the principal male - with feet of clay and a hidden, inherent weakness? He used to be the publican - think Den Watts, Frank Butcher, the Mitchell men. Alfie Moon could still be that, but he and the vast majority of male characters have been emasculated and sacrificed at the altar of the screaming, loud-mouthed, self-perpetuating victim of a female, the cult of which has overtaken EastEnders, with people like Kat, Whitney,Tanya, Bianca and Zainab - always blaming, initially, something that happened in their past, but ultimately their current spouse, boyfriend or male sniffing about. Nothing is ever the victim's fault.

And, finally, who the hell fucked up such iconic characters as Sharon, Bianca and Kat and why?

And will Ms Newman have the balls to call time on such deadwood now as Kat, Jack, show room dummies Tyler and Joey, Whitney Dean and Lauren Branning?

Ask those questions. I bloody dare you.

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