Thursday, October 3, 2013

People Who Don't Know Sharon ...

(At the risk of sounding like Shamelessness) need to shut the fuck up about her.

I realise that most of the sages making comments have only been compos mentis about EastEnders since 2006, with a few disgruntled Shannis fans, as well, who've only watched her since 2001 - and from 2003, she really wasn't the real Sharon at all.

There were soupcons of the real Sharon the last time she was there, but the real Sharon didn't make her appearance until the Bruvs were back in Walford.

So, yes, all of what we've seen of Sharon heretofore dating from August 2012 is down entirely to bad, lazy writing without any meaningful research into the character, herself. This is what happens when you toss an icon to a bunch of Millenial Luddites.

As someone pointed out, Kat Mach 2010 was reviled until Newman decided to redeem her character, and almost immediately after the Shaggerman reveal, she took on the aura, wisdom and persona of Mother Theresa - bar the occasional bear-baiting bullying of hapless men like Tamwar and Mr Lister.

So what's the fuss about Sharon "suddenly" showing a nice side and being exactly the way older, long-term viewers know her? Yes, yes, yes ... people change over time and with life experiences, but not out of recognition.

Haters are going to hate, and the people picking nits out of Sharon's character representation are only those people fearful of the fact that she'll show, eventually, what a true icon she is, compared to the icy psychopath they're shipping.

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