Thursday, November 22, 2012

Something About the Girl

As a fan of R E M, I'll always have time for the commentator Automatic for the People, who summarises perfectly exactly what's so annoying about Jacqueline Jossa's attempted portrayal of Lauren:-

Whatever happens I hope Lauren decides to go to university or college miles away and doesn't come back for a while. She's by far the most irritating of the current teen group, and I can't even put my finger on what it is. She's just so incredibly unconvincing to watch! IMO the beauty of a show like EE is that you shouldn't feel like you're watching actors and Jac Jossa just constantly reminds me every time she's on screen. 
Ironically, the commentator has put his finger on Jossa's problem. When you watch a programme, particularly a soap, you like to feel that the characters you're watching are real, or at least realistic. The last thing you need to feel is that you're watching an ac-tor performing, whose every gesture, every word screams that they're really not that person, they're playing a role.

It was most obvious in Tuesday's episode, which showed Jossa using every obvious nuance and verbal inflection taught in every basic drama class just to prove she'd learned her lessons well. The dramatic pose in the kitchen after she'd left off fucking Joey, the classic-but-amateurly frantic "I thought I'd lost you" scene, even the contrived afterglow conversation with lines delivered with studied reluctance.

Worthy of a high school drama production. In fact, I would go as far to say that Jossa is one of the few actors on the programme who doesn't raise her game when sharing a scene with the likes of Jake Wood. David Witts is the other one who's incapable of that, but we all know his incapability is due to other reasons.

Also, since Lorraine Newman has actually admitted that characters are moulded to the characters of the actors who portray them - meaning that most of the people in the show, especially the young actors - are, essentially playing themselves, Jossa - after about a week of giving convincing performances about a year ago - has taken the lazy route, started to believe her own hype and just reverted to being herself. Jossa is Lauren Branning, and if that's the real case, she's not a very nice person.

I can understand Lorraine Newman taking this route, because the acting talent, especially amongst the younger actors, is sparse on the ground. So, to accommodate the incumbents of z-list celebrity culture, Newman just ensures that they get paid good salaries for, essentially, being their own entitled selves.

Don't you think the licence fee payer deserves better?

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