Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Masood Reality Check

Joy of Pat, one of the many victim apologists on Digital Spy, worships at the altar of St Zainab the Pure.

She says:-

I love Masood but sometimes his self rightous, "I've never done anything wrong Zainab, I hate my first born" act really does my head in, especially in Friday's episode.

You wouldn't be divorced mate if you hadn't decided or if you took kept your trousers on instead of showing the barn to that slutty slutty whore Lesley!! For fook sake! 

I know Zainab isn't perfect but sometimes he acts like he is. 
Somebody needs to wake up and smell the coffee. 

Masood called it as truth. Zainab has never given him one iota of respect. She's hid secrets from him - major secrets ... like their oldest son, engaged to be married, is gay? Seems like that's something the boy's daddy should know, instead of Mommy Dearest bullying him into making a sham marriage just so she can look good for her community.

He pretty much was telling it like it was because since Syed arrived on the scene, Zainab has put him first, and based on not only what Masood said, but also Tamwar, Syed has always been number one in Zainab's life. 

There was actually a time, shortly after Syed showed up, that I wondered if maybe he were Yusef's son, because of the way Zainab bowed from the waist to him and his every need. If JOP would care to remember, when he showed up the first time, he was staying in a luxury penthouse flat in the Docklands, which he led Zainab to believe was his and that he was a successful property developer. However, when Masood visited, he confessed he'd just been staying there house-sitting for a friend. It was then that we learned of him embezzling, originally, from his parents, causing their first business to fail.

Masood's rant last week implicated Syed as a spoiled, manipulative, whiney little kid who learned early on to play Yummy Mummy against evil Daddy in order to get his own way. Knowing Syed, that's pretty believeable.

As for Masood's morals, neither Zainab nor Syed have any right to lecture him on that score, but it doesn't surprise me that either because both Zainab and Syed suffer from that Walford epidemic of terminal victim syndrome, where nothing they do is ever their fault.

Syed can accuse Masood of walking out on a marriage, when Yusef was hoodwinking Zainab, Syed and Tamwar into marginalising Masood as the villain of the piece, entirely because Masood was clued into what Yusef was doing. Besides, wasn't it Syed who romped the beds with Christian while he was married to Amira, with Christian all that time pretending to be her friend?

In point of fact, Masood didn't sleep with Jane until his divorce from Zainab was final. He and Jane were two adult, single people, free to do what they wanted sexually. But let's go back a bit. Masood was initially attracted to Jane because she made him laugh and she respected him. Both Jane and Masood were, effectively, treated like skivvies by their respective spouses, and what initiated the original attempt for Jane and Masood to have an affair was Zainab wilfully disobeying Masood and going into mega debt to buy the Argee Bahjee. But, again, if JOP would only use her brain, she'd recall that Masood stopped the tryst, because, as he told Jane, he loved Zainab.

As for Masood's divorce, Zainab's continued association with Yusef, and her deliberate marginalising of Masood, based on Yusef's lies, caused that. Masood was fighting for his family, who were fighting against him.

And, as for Joy of Pat's inept assessment of Jane Beale as a whore, then maybe she should look closer at Zainab's precious oldest son - a liar, a cheat and, yes, a whore.

I stood up and applauded Masood kicking Zainab's ass out, but it's only temporary because I suppose they are slated to be the next yo-yo couple after the rancid Brannings finish their piece of kabuki theatre. Still, it would be nice to see other downtrodden, disrespected men shove it back in the faces of those terminal victims who are just so innocent and blameless. Not.

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