Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Katflap: Does Alfie Know?

Here's a thought ... what if Alfie knows Kat's acting the slut again?

Consider the scene from Friday's episode, with Kat skulking upstairs at the Vic, hiding from her adoring public, pleading a migraine. Alfie is upstairs, concerned because she's not feeling well.

Alfie and Kat have been married almost nine years. It may sound curious to people who've never been married, but husbands and wives have an uncanny way of reading each other, and that ability to know, really know your partner hones in pretty much during the first decade of marriage. This isn't the first time Kat's been unfaithful to Alfie.

It's the fifth.

One of the first things one learns to "read" in one's partner in marriage or a committed relationship is the guilt sign. Doesn't have to be infidelity, it could be guilt about anything - maxing out on the credit card, blowing a month's wages on the horses, whatever. The guilt signs are the ones easiest read.

In Monday's and Tuesday's abysmal episodes, one of the stand-out features was Alfie observing Kat's overt and disgusting flirting with various of the punters, as well as her sudden change-of-heart regarding Michael. Just the week before, it was Kat who was baying for Michael's blood and Janine's money when the couple were hovering over a very sick Baby Girl Moon; now that Alfie's not forgotten his promise to "finish" Michael, Kat looks as if she wants to finish the one night stand she began as soon as Alfie's back was turned back in 2010. The slut.

But if you watch either of those episodes again - if you can stand it, they were so pisspoor - watch Alfie eyeing Kat's behaviour. Watch again Alfie's viewing of Kat's behaviour on the football pitch. He knows exactly what she's about, and when she was whining on the sofa, he was gazing out the window. One thing she said, prompted him to seek out, visually, the five prime suspects - when she whined that she "hated herself."

(Geddit? "The Dirty Girl" surfacing again, more playing the victim.)

"I hate myself, Alfie, that's why I do these things. I hate myself so I cheat and then I come back and take it out on you because it's really your fault for accepting me like this ... yadda yadda."

When Alfie turned from the window, he simply said, "I know."

I know he knows. He knows she's been unfaithful. What he doesn't know is with whom, and that's what he was waiting to hear. She so readily confessed the last time, but this time, she went on whining about how sorry she was  - sorry, she thought she was going to get caught - so he played along. Of course, we know she wasn't sorry, because she fucked around again that very evening, when Alfie was upstairs in the marital bed on a promise.

So maybe the gist from this entire storyline, from Alfie's angle, is that he knows, but he needs to know the shagger, before the big reveal.

Watch Jean's telescope play a significant (and probably the most interesting) part in this, the absolute shittiest storyline ever presented by Eastenders.

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