Monday, July 30, 2012

Women Can Be Assholes Too: Review 30.07.2012

Last things first.

I am not a Cora fan, but I stood up and cheered to the rafters at that last scene between her and Tanya. Six years Yummy Mummy's been on that show and for some viewers, she could do no wrong. It took Cora, her mother to tell the world what I already knew - that Tanya was one of the most selfish and self-centred characters ever to grace the show. She was the wife Max cheated on, but she was the silly little bitch he was cheating with when married to Rachel.

Cora reiterated what Max stated back in 2007: that Tanya didn't give a rat's ass that Max was a married man or that he had a child. She doubled-down all efforts to take him away from Rachel, and she wanted him to put her children first. And she was a lying, stealing, drug-and-booze-addled little kappa slappa. WooHOO! And a shout-out to Cora for exposing the fact that Tanya really is no better than Max. Well, in fact, we know she's worse - because she tried to kill him. Oh, Cora, you left out an important bit about which you don't know - how the fragrant Tanya prostituted herself to the local psycho in order to get him onside to kill Max.

Great scene! Give the writer, the actress and the character she played all kinds of awards. I've been waiting for those home truths to be hit home against Tanya's big arse for six years now.

Bounce away, Tanya.

I'm not sure whether Cora is lying about Ava being dead or not. At times, it sounded as though she was, but when she described the hospital ward and how they "took" the baby and wouldn't let her say good-bye, as well as the sister not allowing visitors, it sounded almost as if Cora were in one of those antiquated homes for unwed mothers, which were very much the part of the fifties and sixties. It also sounded as though the baby were taken away to be put up for adoption.  Because that's the way things were done then as well. Maybe Cora comforted herself with the notion that the baby was dead to stop her worrying herself to distraction about where she would be. Or then again, maybe the child is dead.

It very much sounds as though the child may have been mixed race, but then, maybe not. It depends on how the writers want to develop this.

Or then again ... as vaslav37 is now fearing (proves he reads this blog), maybe her daughter is Shirley.

One thing for certain: she's not Sharon.

Score one for Cora for telling it to Tanya.

Zainab was another one who got put in her place tonight. Who the hell is she to question something Masood wants to do, when all he's done all his married life is ask "how high" whan she's demanded he jump. I was pleased he stood up to her in his quiet, indomitable way; and I was even more pleased when Number One Son Syed, royally put her in her place about the way, not only that she was speaking of Tamwar "going to stupid college", but also Masood, for wanting to pursue a dream.

The fact that Masood loves her enough to forsake that dream in order to give her what she wants speaks volumes for him and little for her. She's another mouthy mare who doesn't appreciate her husband. We all know now that they'll be doing what Zainab wanted all along - running the Argee Bajee.

What is the point of Lauren? She's totally despicable and unlikeable. A spoiled rotten brat, who looks down upon the homeless as shiftless tramps. Sign her up for the Republican Party in the States. Lauren's all right. She gets money handed to her by Yummy Mummy and Daddy, so she doesn't give a hoot about anyone else. God knows what's wrong with me - I give kudos to Whitney, who's been homeless, herself, for pointing out to that ignorant little bitch that people are often not homeless by choice. Oh, and Lauren wants to go to a gig to get wasted.She's learned nothing. May she choke on her vomit.

No sympathy either for chav-queen Lola. You do the crime, you do the time, and she got off easy by sweeping the streets. For free. Boo-hoo. Are we supposed to feel sorry because she can't see her baby? It takes more than goo-gooing and da-daing to be a mother. Billy does all the heavy work. And, oi, WTF does Billy mean by putting someone's name down on the birth certificate as the father. Is he stupid? She can't. Not unless the father goes with her to the registry office or gives witnessed, written permission. I hate this character and hope she leaves.

I actually liked Christian tonight. I liked seeing him with Yasmine and loved seeing him and Syed acting like a proper couple, arguing. For once the roles were reversed. It's usually Christian who takes care of business and Syed who's left tending the baby, so the turnabout was interesting.

Basically a good episode, especially for Tanya's unpalatable home truths.

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