Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Songs for the Shaggerman: Suspect Number 1

Here's a song for Ray Dixon, who I don't think is Mr Shaggerman. Ray's too much in love with himself and the idea of himself to love or commit to anyone else, which is why he's never married any of the women with whom he's had children. Ray not only loves his body, he loves his own mind, which is why his idea of parenting is lecturing about good nutrition (but failing to see Morgan only eats chicken nuggets and Sasha's always stuffing her cake hole with chips) and giving the kids treats or presents.

This song's for Ray, who always loves the one he's with, which is his right hand. (That explains why he was so upset when Kim cut the tip of his finger off).

A song for wankers everywhere:-

A rose in a fisted glove for you, Ray ... probably from Kim, considering the fist.

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